Even significant experience in driving a vehicle does not exclude the risk of participation in incidents and traffic accidents regulated by the traffic police. The most common causes of disputes with representatives of this service are:

  • accidents,
  • Violations of the rules of behavior on the road,
  • lack of mandatory documents and items in the vehicle,
  • unlawful withdrawal of the right to drive a car,
  • transportation of the car by a tow truck to the impound lot,
  • imposition of fines and other sanctions contrary to the law.

The Code of Contraventions of Moldova establishes for drivers a period of 15 days to appeal against a decision on administrative responsibility. The countdown starts the next day from the date of the decision.

If you are going to appeal a decision on an administrative offense, you should carefully study its content.

Thus, the compiler of the protocol is obliged to explain to the person who is involved in the administrative offense, his duties and rights and write down the corresponding paragraph in the text itself. Necessary entries are made if there is damage from an unlawful act, as well as if the offender refuses to confirm the document. In such circumstances, the latter is obliged to indicate in writing the reasons for which he refused to sign.

In the event that it is necessary to appeal the decision, the person himself is often not able due to the lack of special education and understanding of the nuances of such a process and the actions that need to be taken at one stage or another. Therefore, according to statistics, more than 60-70 percent of cases related to administrative crimes, when trying to solve them alone, without the involvement of lawyers, fail, although the available materials give hope for success.

If there is at least a minimal chance that the court decision may be in your favor, then we advise you to contact specialists who understand how to draw it up correctly and follow everything procedurally.

Our team of lawyers has considerable experience in successfully resolving administrative cases (in favor of their clients), often without even bringing them to justice. Everyone has the right to involve professional specialists in the field of jurisprudence. Do not neglect your efforts to save money, because the consequences of illiterate actions are often more tangible than just expenses.

The person will suffer a noticeable loss of reputation, which in the future may come back to haunt his professional activities and his daily life. You should not deal with such issues on your own, because there is always a risk that you can aggravate the situation and make your situation worse. Let real professionals solve your problems on their own.

Qualified lawyers of BAA ”Legal Service” are ready to resolve insurance disputes in case of an accident of any complexity. The practical and theoretical experience of the specialists of our board allows us to consult and conduct litigation in any instances.